
Reference Implementation of the Process Management Interface Exascale (PMIx) standard

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Amends and extends:

RFC0001: Provide a mechanism by which tools can interact with a local PMIx server that has opted to accept such connections


Extension of Tool Interaction Support


An increasingly diverse collection of tools have expressed interest in connecting to PMIx servers to obtain information on application processes (placement, status, identification) and queue status, as well as debugger support. This RFC contains a significant update of the prior tool support described in RFC0001 that impacts all three levels of interfaces (client, server, and host resource manager).





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This document is subject to all provisions relating to code contributions to the PMIx community as defined in the community’s LICENSE file. Code Components extracted from this document must include the License text as described in that file.


An increasingly diverse collection of tools have expressed interest in connecting to PMIx servers to obtain information on application processes (placement, status, identification) and queue status, as well as debugger support. Supporting this range of activity requires the following changes to the PMIx library:

Code examples for debugger launch/attach and for a generic PMIx-base application launch tool have been added to the PMIx library’s “example” directory to help developers understand the use of these new capabilities.

Protoype Implementation

The PMIx library implementation is covered in the Extend the PMIx_Tool support pull request. The prototype has been tested against Open MPI as referenced in an upcoming pull request.


Ralph H. Castain
Intel, Inc.
Github: rhc54