
Reference Implementation of the Process Management Interface Exascale (PMIx) standard

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Summary of RFC impacts:


Coordination Across Programming Models (OpenMP/MPI)


Hybrid applications (i.e., applications that utilize more than one programming model, such as an MPI application that also uses OpenMP) are growing in popularity, especially as chips with increasingly large numbers of cores and processors proliferate. This RFC offers a potential solution to the problem by providing a pathway for programming models to coordinate their actions.





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Hybrid applications (i.e., applications that utilize more than one programming model, such as an MPI application that also uses OpenMP) are growing in popularity, especially as chips with increasingly large numbers of cores and processors proliferate. Unfortunately, the various models currently operate under the assumption that they alone control execution. This leads to conflicts in hybrid applications – for example, when each model attempts to independently bind a thread to a different location.

This RFC offers a potential solution to the problem by providing a pathway for programming models to coordinate their actions. As defined by the PMIx OpenMP/MPI working group, the general objectives of this effort are to:

This approach requires, of course, that each programming model call PMIx_Init in order to access the PMIx support functions. For the purposes of the remainder of the discussion in this RFC, it is assumed that each programming model will in fact call PMIx_Init to ensure that the PMIx support is available. Multiple calls to PMIx_Init from within a single process, including calls from multiple threads, is supported by the PMIx standard and its convenience library – with the only requirement being that the same number of calls be made to PMIx_Finalize prior to termination.

Identifying Active Programming Models

Informing each programming model that another model is actively in use is a little problematic as there is no “standard” method by which programming models initiate themselves. For example, MPI has the standard “MPI_Init” function that must be called to initialize the library – providing a “hook” within that function to notify others that it has been called. However, OpenMP does not have an explicit call to “init” and is instead initialized on first use. The use of envars has similar problems, as explained above, and has therefore been rejected as a potential solution.

Likewise, requiring users to declare their intended programming models prior to execution seemed overly burdensome and unlikely to meet general user acceptance. Indeed, in cases of users executing packaged applications (i.e., applications they did not write themselves), explicit knowledge of the programming models employed by the application may not be available to the user. Thus, a dynamic way of determining the active programming models would be desirable.

Given that the ordering of calls to PMIx_Init between the models is unknowable and the difference in initialization methods, the identification method must allow for some form of asynchronous notification that a programming model has declared itself to be active. We cannot rely on “knowing” that information when a model’s library initializes itself. Thus, the following extension is proposed for attributes passed to PMIx_Init:

/* identification attributes */
#define PMIX_PROGRAMMING_MODEL              "pmix.pgm.model"        // (char*) programming model being initialized (e.g., "MPI" or "OpenMP")
#define PMIX_MODEL_LIBRARY_NAME             ""         // (char*) programming model implementation ID (e.g., "OpenMPI" or "MPICH")
#define PMIX_MODEL_LIBRARY_VERSION          "pmix.mdl.vrs"          // (char*) programming model version string (e.g., "2.1.1")
#define PMIX_THREADING_MODEL                "pmix.threads"          // (char*) threading model used (e.g., "pthreads")

In addition, models shall register for a PMIx event that will notify them of initializations by other programming models. Note that PMIx events are cached, and so registrations that are performed after another model has already initialized will still trigger notification. The registration will utilize a new status code specifically defined for this purpose:

/* status codes */

Therefore, an example of the use of this code within a programming model might look like the following:

#include <pmix.h>

/* this is an event notification function that we explicitly request
 * be called when the PMIX_MODEL_DECLARED notification is issued.
 * We could catch it in the general event notification function and test
 * the status to see if it was PMIX_MODEL_DECLARED, but it often is simpler
 * to declare a use-specific notification callback point. In this case,
 * we are asking to know when another programming model declared itself */
static void release_fn(size_t evhdlr_registration_id,
                       pmix_status_t status,
                       const pmix_proc_t *source,
                       pmix_info_t info[], size_t ninfo,
                       pmix_info_t results[], size_t nresults,
                       pmix_event_notification_cbfunc_fn_t cbfunc,
                       void *cbdata)
    /* tell the event handler state machine that we are the last step */
    if (NULL != cbfunc) {
        cbfunc(PMIX_EVENT_ACTION_COMPLETE, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, cbdata);
    /* do whatever we want/need to do to coordinate */

/* event handler registration is done asynchronously because it
 * may involve the PMIx server registering with the host RM for
 * external events. So we provide a callback function that returns
 * the status of the request (success or an error), plus a numerical index
 * to the registered event. The index is used later on to deregister
 * an event handler - if we don't explicitly deregister it, then the
 * PMIx server will do so when it see us exit */
static void evhandler_reg_callbk(pmix_status_t status,
                                 size_t evhandler_ref,
                                 void *cbdata)
    volatile int *active = (volatile int*)cbdata;

    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != status) {
        fprintf(stderr, "EVENT HANDLER REGISTRATION FAILED WITH STATUS %d, ref=%lu\n",
                status, (unsigned long)evhandler_ref);
    *active = status;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    pmix_proc_t myproc;
    pmix_status_t rc;
    pmix_info_t *info;
    char *mymodel = "MPI";
    char *mymodelname = "FooMPI";
    char *myversion = "1.0.0";
    volatile int active;
    pmix_status_t code = PMIX_MODEL_DECLARED;

    /* setup to declare our programming model */
    PMIX_INFO_CREATE(info, 4);

    /* initialize us */
    if (PMIX_SUCCESS != (rc = PMIx_Init(&myproc, info, 4))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: PMIx_Init failed: %d\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank, rc);
    PMIX_INFO_FREE(info, 4);
    fprintf(stderr, "Client ns %s rank %d: Running\n", myproc.nspace, myproc.rank);

    /* register a handler specifically for notifying us if
     * other programming models declare themselves */
    active = -1;
    PMIx_Register_event_handler(&code, 1, NULL, 0,
                                release_fn, evhandler_reg_callbk, (void*)&active);
    while (-1 == active) {
    if (0 != active) {

    /* do whatever else */

Since the PMIx library is shared within the process, it will therefore be common to both programming libraries. Thus, the calls into PMIx_Init by each programming model will enter the same code space. PMIx implementations are required to support such use-cases, but generally do so strictly via reference count – i.e., after the first call to PMIx_Init, the arguments to subsequent calls are no longer examined. Therefore, this RFC includes a new requirement on PMIx implementations that they:

This does raise an issue, however, that was not addressed in prior PMIx architecture discussions regarding multiple calls to PMIx_Init. Since the question of what to do with arguments to subsequent calls was ignored, the decision of how to resolve conflicting and/or overlapping directives between calls was left open to the implementation. Although there is no ambiguity in the treatment of the specific directives contained in this RFC, the fact that PMIx_Init now requires that the arguments always be inspected raises the question of dealing with the broader issue.

There is no way by which a PMIx implementation can “guess” the choice between conflicting requests. Accordingly, this RFC imposes a new requirement on PMIx implementations that:

Note also that a registered PMIx event handler will be called from within the PMIx progress thread – and not the thread context that originally registered for it.

Dynamic Changes

Programming models can change their characteristics and/or resource requirements on-the-fly. Alerting other active models will be supported via the PMIx event notification system. Appropriate codes that can be used to register for such events will expand over time, but this RFC provides an initial set of codes and attributes for this purpose:

/* status codes */
#define PMIX_MODEL_RESOURCES                (PMIX_ERR_OP_BASE - 21)     // model resource usage has changed
#define PMIX_OPENMP_PARALLEL_ENTERED        (PMIX_ERR_OP_BASE - 22)     // an OpenMP parallel region has been entered
#define PMIX_OPENMP_PARALLEL_EXITED         (PMIX_ERR_OP_BASE - 23)     // an OpenMP parallel region has completed

/* model attributes */
#define PMIX_MODEL_NUM_THREADS              "pmix.mdl.nthrds"           // (uint64_t) number of active threads being used by the model
#define PMIX_MODEL_NUM_CPUS                 "pmix.mdl.ncpu"             // (uint64_t) number of cpus being used by the model
#define PMIX_MODEL_CPU_TYPE                 "pmix.mdl.cputype"          // (char*) granularity - "hwthread", "core", etc.
#define PMIX_MODEL_PHASE_NAME               "pmix.mdl.phase"            // (char*) user-assigned name for a phase in the application
                                                                        //         execution - e.g., "cfd reduction"
#define PMIX_MODEL_PHASE_TYPE               "pmix.mdl.ptype"            // (char*) type of phase being executed - e.g., "matrix multiply"
#define PMIX_MODEL_AFFINITY_POLICY          "pmix.mdl.tap"              // (char*) thread affinity policy - e.g.:
                                                                        //           "master" (thread co-located with master thread),
                                                                        //           "close" (thread located on cpu close to master thread)
                                                                        //           "spread" (threads load-balanced across available cpus)

Events generated this way can be captured by registering for the relevant codes. Note that debuggers and other tools can also use this information if/when it is provided.

Protoype Implementation

Related prototype code resides in several pull requests against both the PMIx and Open MPI master repositories. These include:


Ralph H. Castain
Intel, Inc.
Github: rhc54