
Reference Implementation of the Process Management Interface Exascale (PMIx) standard

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Getting the Code

The PMIx Reference Implementation Git repository (where most active development is done) is hosted at GitHub. Because the PMIx Team tries very hard to release stable and as-bug-free-as-possible distributions, we tend to take a long time between major releases. However, there are many useful new features (and bug fixes) on the master branch of the repository, and users sometimes find it advantageous to work from that branch. Additionally, for those who are actually develop with the internals of PMIx, Git access gives the most up-to-date versions rather than the periodic tarball access. As such, the PMIx community provides public read-only access to the PMIx Git repository.

Be aware, however, that the head of the development code tree is not guaranteed to be stable. We try very hard to not commit things that are broken, but this is an active development tree — bugs happen. This is actually another major reason that this tree has been made available: peer review. If you find any bugs, please report them on the issues list. You are welcome to either clone the PMIx repository, or download one of the release tarballs or source RPM.

If you intend to work from the repository (either on the master or a release branch), you will need a Git client to obtain the code. We recommend getting the latest version available. If you do not have the command git in your path, you will likely need to download and install Git.

In addition to the code itself, the repository contains a series of Git tags indicating where releases were made (see Releases) that contain the release tarballs and source RPM. However, GitHub orders those tags according to the date when they were created, not according to their release series. Thus, the “latest release” marker is placed on the tag that was most recently created and not on the actual current software release.

Accordingly, we strongly recommend that you obtain the tarball or source rpm from the website’s Download location.

Github provides a simple button for obtaining the clone command. Clone either the master any of the release branches. For example (as of Nov 2015), to clone the main development repository via HTTPS:

    shell$ git clone
    Cloning into ‘pmix’…
    remote: Counting objects: 5319, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (27/27), done.
    remote: Total 5319 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 5291
    Receiving objects: 100% (5319/5319), 2.03 MiB | 600.00 KiB/s, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (3958/3958), done.
    Checking connectivity… done.

Note that Git is natively capable of using many forms of web proxies. If your network setup requires the user of a web proxy, consult the Git documentation for more details.

After obtaining a successful Git clone, the following tools (and associated minimum versions) are required for developers to compile PMIx from its repository sources (users who download PMIx tarballs do not need these tools – they are only required for developers working on the internals of PMIx itself):

Autotools notes:

NOTE: by default, when configuring and building PMIx from a developer checkout, all debugging code is enabled. This results in a significant run-time performance penalty. There are several options for building an optimized PMIx reference library; see the HACKING file for more details.

NOTE: Most Linux distributions and OS X install Flex by default (and this is sufficient). Other operating systems may provide lex, but this is not sufficient — flex is required.

Preparing Autotools

Building the library